Hygienic water solutions for healthcare

Enhance staff and patient care with our water coolers and dispensers. Ideal for healthcare settings, Culligan provides a wide range of products, including contactless and purification technology for safe hydration.

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Enhanced safety and service for hospitals

We cater to hospitals with our water machines, delivering unparalleled water purity and a seamless service. Our customers experience the benefits of safe hydration in their healthcare facilities.

Culligan Product
Purification technology

Our patented Firewall® UVC technology purifies water entirely, including the dispensing nozzle, blocking harmful viruses and bacteria like Legionella, Salmonella, E.coli, Hepatitis, and Rotavirus from contaminating the water and causing illness.

Culligan Product
Hygienic protection

BioCote® provides built-in antimicrobial protection, limiting bacteria and mold growth by 99.5% in 2 hours. It reduces cross-contamination, keeping the dispenser fresher and cleaner for longer.

Culligan Product
Full service

Our trained technicians are fully qualified to service our full range of drinking solutions. We provide sanitisation, filter replacements, and preventive maintenance for high-quality water and trouble-free operation, ensuring your peace of mind.

Our range of water dispensers for hospitals and healthcare facilities

High-tech dispensers providing purified, safe water for patients, visitors, and staff. Hot, chilled, sparkling options available, freestanding or countertop. Find your perfect solution.

Ideal for healthcare

Made with antimicrobial materials and UV technology for complete peace of mind

Innovative products

Providing long-lasting performance and durability in busy environments

On-going aftercare

Ensuring your patients and staff have continuous access to a reliable water solution


Commercial & Industrial Solutions for Healthcare

Providing safe water treatment for hospitals.

Culligan water serves all hospital departments, including steam, heating, cooling, sterilisation, and dialysis.

We offer a premium service, meeting quality and environmental standards, and providing a range of chemical water treatment technologies.

Learn more about our comprehensive commercial and industrial healthcare water solutions.

View Commercial & Industrial healthcare solutions

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    Why choose Culligan water coolers for your hospital and healthcare facilities?


    Safe, purified water

    Firewall® UVC purification technology acts as a dispense barrier, safely purifying water up to 99.9999%, minimizing cysts, bacteria, and viruses, including COVID-19, making it ideal for healthcare settings.

    <img width="200" alt="Reasons water filtration 3" src="https://www.culligan.co.uk/wp-content/themes/culligan-emea/img/four-reasons-module//reasons-water-filtration-3.webp" /> Reasons water filtration 3

    High-capacity, fast dispensing

    In healthcare facilities like hospitals and retirement homes, efficiency and reliability are paramount. With Culligan water coolers, you get high-capacity, fast dispensing solutions that ensure consistent access to clean, refreshing water.

    Our coolers are designed to meet the demanding needs of these environments, providing rapid dispensing of chilled water while maintaining optimal hygiene standards.

    <img width="200" alt="Reasons business c7 5" src="https://www.culligan.co.uk/wp-content/themes/culligan-emea/img/four-reasons-module//reasons-business-c7-5.webp" /> Reasons business c7 5

    Continuous water supply

    Our mains-fed machines, integrate seamlessly into your facility’s water system, offer an uninterrupted flow of water.

    Engineered for high volume, these machines guarantee a steady and reliable hydration source, addressing the essential needs of patients, residents, and staff members.

    <img width="200" alt="Reasons glass water 1" src="https://www.culligan.co.uk/wp-content/themes/culligan-emea/img/four-reasons-module//reasons-glass-water-1.webp" /> Reasons glass water 1

    Versatile water options

    Our water coolers offer a wide range of choices, including still and sparkling water, hot and cold options, as well as ambient temperature settings. Moreover, our advanced filtration systems ensure the water is not only pure but also deliciously refreshing.

    With Culligan, healthcare environments can provide a variety of hydration options to cater for every taste.

    <img width="200" alt="Reasons core cb 1" src="https://www.culligan.co.uk/wp-content/themes/culligan-emea/img/four-reasons-module//reasons-core-cb-1.webp" /> Reasons core cb 1

    Rent or Buy? The choice is yours.

    We offer flexible purchase options to suit you​


    • Hassle-free installation without disruption to your facilities
    • Fixed monthly costs and flexible contracts
    • Regular maintenance for reliable performance
    • Dedicated account managers and engineers


    • One-time cost for complete ownership
    • Service cover option available for your peace of mind
    • Flexibility to use product to suit your needs
    • Professional installation service available
    Culligan Image

    Filter, purify, protect

    Patented technology you can trust.

    Firewall® UVC purification system offering on-demand purification, up to 99.9999% pathogens free.

    Culligan’s BioCote® technology utilises silver ion additives, inhibiting microbial growth on surfaces.

    Carbon filtration removes impurities, targeting colour, taste, and odor for superior quality, crystal-clear, and great-tasting water.

    View C7 Firewall®

    High performance, stylish design

    Providing a safe, and superior user experience.

    The user interface boasts a vibrant full-colour LCD display, a machine status bar, and up to five water dispensing options, ensuring an unparalleled user experience.

    Sustainably hydrate hospitals with eco-friendly refrigeration, energy-saving sleep mode, and on-screen bottle saver feature.

    Enhanced hygiene with contact-free dispensing operations through the optional add-on IR (infrared) module.

    View C7 Firewall®